Blue Alchemy Wellness | Augusta, GA

Ease the Flow & Glow

Ease the Flow, and Embrace Your Glow. For When You Need a Little Southern Comfort
Say goodbye to those pesky PMS symptoms with our Ease & Glow infusion. Whether you’re dealing with bloating, abdominal discomfort, or mood swings that make you feel like a storm is brewing inside, this infusion is here to help you shine through. Packed with a blend of essential vitamins and minerals, this infusion can put a little more bliss in your day and step back into the spotlight with confidence. You deserve to feel fabulous, no matter what time of the month it is!

Frequency: up to 2 weeks before your period and during your period

When to get it: If your symptoms are strong we recommend two infusions a week for two weeks leading up to your menstrual cycle, repeated for three cycles. After that, the NP will help determine what’s best for your individual needs